Mansour Nasser Aldine

Vice president of the Syrian Medical Syndicate, Syria


Gastroenterologist since1997
- Internist since1994
- PhD in Health Government politics 2007
- Vice president of the Syrian Medical Syndicate since 2015 until now.
- President of the SSGE( Syrian Society of Gastroenterology) since 2017 until now
- President of the Syrian Commission for Gastroenterology Specialty 2011- 2014
- Editor-in-Chief of the Arabic Medical Journal 2010-2017
- Council member of the ASSLD /ِ Arab Society for Study of Liver Diseases/ since2008
- Chief of the G.I & Liver Depart-Swaida National Hospital1999-2010
- Chief coordinator for liver diseases in the governorate health authorities 2006


Hepatitis A is a benign infection, which in the developing world affects mainly children; the majority of adults are immune by the age of 30. In the last decade or so, a shift in the prevalence pattern of hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection from a low-to a high-age group has appeared in the developed countries. In the present study,314 Syrian of age between 11-30 year-old groups and both sexes almost equaly were tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technique for the seroprevalence of hepatitis A IgG antibody (anti-HAV IgG). It was observed that anti-HAV IgG was present in71% Syrian population; with 68% in the11-20 year age group and 77% in the 21-30 year age group, and 81% in male and 70% in female. These results demonstrate that HAV infection in Syria is mostly acquired during childhood and no need for vaccination .. This study is the 2nd study in Syria, in comparing with the 1st one which have been done 12 years ago : there is an improvement in the whole ratio (78%),this shift has been attributed to an improvement in the socio-economic and hygienic conditions.